Stage Two


During Stage Two of the process, the Student Disciplinary Panel is convened with the objective of addressing the following matters:

  • Reviewing cases that have been forwarded to them for the imposition of a sanction.
  • Examining cases that require further evaluation to understand the concerns raised and determine the suitable resolution for the respective case.

The Panel possesses the authority to oversee the procedures involved in the consideration of the case at Stage Two. Its responsibility includes ensuring that the process and final decision are conducted in a fair and reasonable manner.

Student Disciplinary Panel

The normal composition of the Student Disciplinary Panel will be:

  • A member of the faculty
  • A second member of the faculty
  • A senior administrator or additional faculty member

All members of the Panel should be free from bias and have had no direct involvement in either the issues being considered or earlier stages of the disciplinary process.


The hearing will be conducted in private, with typically only the student and members of the Student Disciplinary Panel allowed to be present.

The student will have the chance to present their version of the events and will be required to respond to any queries directed towards them. It is expected that a complete and truthful account will be provided.

Should the student and/or any of their witnesses be absent from the hearing at the designated time, the Panel reserves the right to assess the case based on the available information.


If deemed necessary, the Student Disciplinary Panel may opt to request clarification or additional information from other parties before making a final decision. In cases where the information significantly influences the outcome, the student will be offered the opportunity to provide their comments.

The Panel will endeavor to reach a unanimous decision on the outcome and any sanctions. However, if a unanimous agreement is not reached, a decision may be made by majority vote. Details regarding the majority vote will not be disclosed.


In addition to the sanctions available in Stage One, the Student Disciplinary Panel has the authority to apply any of the following, either individually or in combination, or choose an alternative if it is deemed appropriate:

  1. Written reprimand: A formal written warning or reprimand that will remain on the student’s record for a designated period of time.
  2. Grade amendment: Adjustment of the student’s grade to a lower or failing mark.
  3. Probation: Placement of the student on academic or general probation, which may include requirements such as maintaining a minimum level of performance or limited access to certain courses or electives.
  4. Loss of Alumni privilege: Revocation of the student’s privileges and benefits as an alumnus/alumna.

Outcome and Review

After reaching a conclusion, the Student Disciplinary Panel will communicate the outcome of the case and any applicable sanctions to the student in writing.