Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is considered to be any action or attempted action or activity, either intentional or otherwise, which may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or a disadvantage for another member of the Institution.

There is a range of different types and examples of what constitutes academic misconduct. It is impossible to list them all, but we are including some of the most common below:

  1. Plagiarism: This is perhaps the most common occurrence of all. Students must respect the intellectual property in the work of others. In instances where the work of others is used or relied upon, it must be properly acknowledged, and authorship correctly attributed in accordance with academic practice. Incidences include:
    1. Submitting the work or ideas of someone else as your own, either with or without appropriate referencing.
    2. Failure to acknowledge clearly that you have used, referred to, or copied the ideas, words, data, or work of another person.
    3. Submitting work that has been previously submitted for other academic or non-academic purposes (also known as self-plagiarism).

All work must be referenced using an appropriate referencing convention. Vedere University requires the APA referencing model, which is one of the most common citation styles used. Guidance about referencing conventions is readily available on the learning hub. Students are fully responsible for ensuring they are aware of the requirements for referencing and use the appropriate convention for the course. Vedere University uses technology to detect and/or follow up on cases of suspected plagiarism.

  1. Impersonation: Submitting work prepared by another person or third party as your own; for example, purchasing work from an essay mill/bank, commissioning another person to complete the work, or having another person sit an exam.
  1. Collusion: Incidences of collusion include:
    1. Unauthorized collaboration, discussion, and/or sharing of materials.
    2. Helping or receiving help from another student with assessed work.
  1. Contribution: Incidences of contribution include:
    1. Failure to contribute sufficiently to group work.
    2. Receiving a mark, credit, or other academic acknowledgment for assessed work that has not been contributed to.
  1. Falsification: Incidences of falsification include:
    1. Fabrication or falsification of data, findings, evidence, or experimental results.
    2. Falsification or invention of references.
  1. Misrepresentation: Making a false declaration and/or submitting false information to the Institution.

Our policy for student use of generative AI is defined in the course syllabus, allowing faculty to determine the appropriate use of such technology in the development and completion of assignments for each course.

Any form of academic misconduct is deemed unacceptable, and students may face disciplinary action, potentially leading to course and program failure. Complete information regarding the policies and procedures concerning academic misconduct can be found in the Student Disciplinary Policy outlined in this catalog.