Submitting a Request


To ensure the process is consistent and fair for all students, all requests must be submitted in accordance with the process outlined in this policy and will be considered only by the panel. Requests that are not submitted through the correct channel will not be considered.

Students must submit their requests and evidence (or statement if applicable) using the online extenuating circumstances request form, which they must complete themselves. Students should not approach individuals (including faculty) to seek support for their request, and personal testimonials or recommendations will not be considered by the panel.

Requests should, where possible, be accompanied by appropriate and compelling evidence.

  • Supporting evidence should be in the form of an official document from an independent, objective, third party. The evidence must include the name of the author, their job title, and contact details and be signed and dated.
  • Where it is not possible to provide evidence, a written statement explaining the reason for this should be submitted instead.

Students should not delay submitting an extenuating circumstance request until evidence is available. In instances where evidence is not immediately available but is expected imminently, students should submit the request and include a note confirming when the evidence will be supplied. In instances where it is not possible to provide any evidence, a written statement explaining the reason for this should be submitted by the student for consideration by the panel.

TypeEvidence that may be considered
MedicalAn official medical document that details the date of the visit/ admission, the formal diagnosis, and prescribed medical treatment.Note that retrospective evidence showing that the circumstances were reported after the assessment and/or are based on reported events rather than a contemporaneous medical examination may not be considered.
PersonalFor bereavement, a copy of the death certificate or other relevant documentation.For family emergencies, a document that confirms the details of the situation, evidence of unexpected travel to attend to the situation or other relevant evidence.
We are aware that this type of evidence is sensitive, and as per the policy will consider written statements where evidence is not possible to obtain.
WorkAn official letter from the employer (normally CEO, head of department, or HR) which confirms the work emergency, the date it arose, and that the situation cannot be changed. Vedere Institute will also expect to see that the student has taken all reasonable steps to resolve the situation before submitting the request.

By submitting a request, the student is automatically confirming:

  • They have read and understood the policy.
  • They have completed the form themselves.
  • The information provided is completely truthful and not misleading, and no relevant information has been withheld.