Program Delivery

Program Documentation

In order to facilitate the delivery of each program, the following will be provided:

  • A comprehensive student catalog, offering a detailed overview of the program and its constituent components.
  • A set of unambiguous learning outcomes for the program at both the program and course levels.

This documentation will be furnished to students prior to enrollment and will be revised in the event of significant changes during the program. The Institution is committed to ensuring that the program documentation aligns with the Academic Regulations. In cases where there is a misalignment or absence of specific details in the documentation, the Academic Regulations will take precedence and be enforced.

Program Amendments

The Institution retains the authority, at its complete discretion and at any given time, to modify the admission requirements, the program structure, and individual courses.

These changes could involve:

  • Adjustments to the program’s delivery method (including faculty), as well as modifications to assessment practices.
  • Reasonable alterations to the program’s content and syllabus, such as the merging, discontinuation, or introduction of courses.
  • Potential changes to the courses available in each term or session due to scheduling and capacity limitations.

Vedere University will make an effort to c


The admission requirements for each program are outlined in the Academic Catalog. These requirements are subject to adjustments deemed necessary and appropriate by the Institution.

Upon receiving an offer for a place in the program, admits must sign and return the Enrollment Agreement to officially accept the offer. The agreement becomes effective on the date stated in the offer letter.

According to the terms of the Enrollment Agreement, the Institution reserves the right to terminate the registration and participation of any student who gains admission to the Institution based on qualifications, documents, or statements that are subsequently discovered to be false, untruthful, or misleading.

Admits officially transition into the status of “students” upon completing the formal registration process for the program. 

Program Format

For all degree programs, incoming students have the option of selecting between online or hybrid format. They will be required to select their desired format before they begin their studies and will not be allowed to change at any point during their program.

In the online format, all courses will be delivered 100% online with a blend of asynchronous and synchronous activities. Courses will be delivered in 7-week sessions, with two sessions taking place each semester. 

In the hybrid format, courses will be delivered predominantly in person at our Tampa campus as part of a block study model. In the block study model, the in-person teaching and learning elements will be concentrated in two designated block weeks each semester and supplemented by online instructional and learning activities. The designated block weeks for each course will be confirmed at the beginning of the registration process each semester and will be the same for all courses in a given degree program. Courses will be delivered in 14-week sessions, with one session each semester.

Normal Duration

Students selecting the online format can choose between a one-year option and a two-year option. Students selecting the hybrid format will complete their program in 15 months. The standard duration for each of these options is clearly stated in the Program Regulations.

In certain situations, students may request, or Program Directors may require, extensions to continue their studies beyond the standard duration.

Extensions of up to a total of 12 months may be granted by the Program Director as appropriate and will be communicated to the Assessment Board for informational purposes. However, any extensions exceeding a cumulative total of 12 months are only approved in exceptional circumstances, and the final decision rests with the Assessment Board, exercising their absolute discretion.

Intellectual Property

Any original work created by you during your program remains your intellectual property, unless it was specifically commissioned by the Institution.

We, along with our faculty and licensors, hold the intellectual property rights to all program course materials and teaching materials, regardless of the medium in which they are available. This means that there are specific rules and restrictions regarding copying, recording, sharing, or disseminating these materials. You are granted a license to use these materials for your personal private study during the program but must not use them for any other purposes. Violations of this clause will be considered misconduct and subject to the appropriate disciplinary processes.

As a student, it is important to respect the intellectual property rights of others, including faculty members. When sharing, distributing, or copying third-party material, you must obtain the necessary permissions and adhere to the Institution’s regulations and academic policies. Any breach of this clause will be treated as misconduct and handled accordingly.

Proper acknowledgement and attribution in line with standard academic practice are required whenever the work of others is used or relied upon. Plagiarism in any form is not acceptable and may result in disciplinary action, including failing a course or the entire program.

As an authorized user, you are responsible for ensuring that your use of the information resources provided by the Institution complies with the applicable license terms and conditions. These resources are solely for personal and educational purposes. You must not share your login details with others, pass on or share downloaded materials with unauthorized users, or use the resources for any commercial or business purposes, including internships and consulting activities. 

Acceptable Program Performance

Students are fully responsible for ensuring they always remain in good academic standing during the program, the details of which are included in this catalog.

Student Support

The Institution is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that supports the needs of all students. If you have a disability or are facing health or wellbeing issues, we encourage you to directly contact the Program Team to explore potential support and accessibility services.

If you require reasonable adjustments, the Program Team will collaborate with you to establish a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments. Additionally, if needed, Reasonable Assessment Arrangements can be made, such as individual exam adjustments.

For situations where short-term health issues may impact your academic performance, it is advised to apply for extenuating circumstances in accordance with the Extenuating Circumstances Policy.

To ensure a fair assessment process, and to avoid creating any advantages that could compromise fairness, we expect students to proactively disclose any wellbeing concerns before assessment deadlines or exams begin. However, in cases where a student is unable to participate due to incapacitation, extenuating circumstances requests can be submitted within seven days after the assessment. The panel will have the sole discretion to consider and determine the potential for a retrospective adjustment (for more information, please refer to the Extenuating Circumstances Policy).