Misconduct Definitions

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is considered to be any action or attempted action or activity, either intentional or otherwise, which may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for oneself or a disadvantage for another member of the Institution.

The following are some types and examples of academic misconduct. The list is illustrative, not exhaustive.

  1.  Plagiarism:
  1. Submitting the work or ideas of someone else as your own, either with or without appropriate referencing.
  2. Failure to acknowledge clearly that you have used, referred to, or copied the ideas, words, data, or work of another person.
  3. Submitting work that has been previously submitted for other academic or nonĀ­academic purposes (also known as self-plagiarism).
  1.  Impersonation: Submitting work prepared by another person or a third party as your own; for example, purchasing work from an essay mill/bank, commissioning another person to complete the work, or having another person sit an exam.
  1. Collusion:
    1. Unauthorized collaboration, discussion, and/or sharing of materials.
    2. Helping or receiving help from another student with assessed work.
  1. Contribution:
    1. Failure to contribute sufficiently to group work.
    2. Receiving a mark, credit, or other academic acknowledgment for assessed work that has not been contributed to.
  1. Falsification:
    1. Fabrication or falsification of data, findings, evidence, or experimental results.
    2. Falsification or invention of references.
  1. Misrepresentation: Making a false declaration and/or submitting false information to the Institution.

General Misconduct

General misconduct is considered to be any type of misconduct that is not specifically related to academic and assessed work. It generally relates to a breach of rules or behavior in an improper manner. It may also include behavior that brings the Institution and its good name into disrepute or could if it were to become public knowledge.

The following are some types and examples of general misconduct. This list is illustrative, not exhaustive.

  1. Disruption/ Interference:
    1. With the academic, administrative, or other activities of the Institution.
    2. With the functions, duties, or activities of any student, staff, or faculty member of the Institution.
  1. Misrepresentation: Including but not limited to fraud, deceit, deception, or dishonesty in connection with being a student of the Institution.
  1. Behavior:
    1. Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, or offensive behavior or language while engaged in an Institutional activity;
    2. Bullying or harassment of any kind of any member of the community;
    3. Damage to or defacement of Institution property, the property of other members of the Institution
    4. Theft or misappropriation of property belonging to the Institution, other members of the Institution.
    5. Action likely to cause injury or impair safety.
  1. Conduct:
    1. Which may constitute a breach of any of the rules and regulations which may be issued by the Institution e.g., student code of conduct, use of learning resources, etc.
    2. Which may constitute a criminal offense.

   Criminal Offenses

The Institution has the right to report any allegation of misconduct that could if proven, constitute a criminal offense. However, the Institution may exercise its absolute discretion as to whether and when to make a report.  For example, the Institution may choose not to report an allegation of criminal conduct if the alleged victim does not want the police involved.

When the Institution becomes aware that a student is under investigation by the police or other regulatory body, it will consider the seriousness of the allegation(s) and decide whether disciplinary action should be taken immediately or deferred pending the outcome of the formal investigation and/or any prosecution.

Irrespective of the decision on disciplinary action, the Institution reserves the right to suspend or exclude a student and to take the following action immediately if it is deemed reasonable and appropriate to do so.

  • Suspension: the student will be prohibited for a definite or indefinite period from accessing Institutional facilities.
  • Exclusion: the student will be permanently prohibited and selectively restricted from accessing Institutional facilities.