

This policy, which is part of the Institution’s Academic Regulations, outlines how the Institution addresses instances of academic and general misconduct by students.

As members of the community, all students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the good name and reputation of the Institution. It is crucial for students to consistently meet the Institution’s academic and professional standards.

Within the academic setting, students are expected to behave in a manner that does not disrupt the learning of others or seek unfair advantages. The Institution’s academic and assessment framework operates on the principle that students should be evaluated solely on their own abilities and contributions. Therefore, all work must be original, created by the student for assessment purposes, and properly referenced.

The Institution treats misconduct of any nature as a serious issue and will diligently safeguard its standards. If concerns arise, the Institution will investigate and determine if any action is necessary. Sanctions may be applied for student misconduct, including but not limited to, failing grades for a course or component, suspension, or expulsion from the program.


This policy and process is subject to review and may change at any time during your program.  The Institution will notify students of any substantive changes to the policy.