Student Complaints

Vedere Institute strives to achieve the highest standards in the provision of services to students but recognizes that complaints may arise, nonetheless. We have therefore developed a process to deal with complaints from students. This procedure is intended to enable students to bring matters of concern about Vedere Institute services to its attention and to enable those matters to be investigated and discussed with the aim of reaching a satisfactory resolution, within a reasonable timescale and having due regard to the requirements of natural justice.

We have developed a number of feedback mechanisms for students to raise any concerns with a view to us seeking to respond quickly to resolve most issues. In addition, we would encourage, where possible, to raise issues informally with the Program Team first before the submission of a formal complaint. 

Vedere Institute treats all complaints very seriously. Students will not suffer any disadvantage as a result of making a complaint in good faith. However, making a complaint that is frivolous, vexatious, or malicious is likely to be a breach of a student’s obligations to Vedere Institute and may result in disciplinary action being taken against that student under the Student Disciplinary Policy.