Student Support Services

Students in this program will benefit from extensive and targeted support services throughout their entire experience. The key areas of support are outlined below.

Academic Support

Students will be assigned a Student Services Manager, who will be able to support them throughout their entire academic journey. This will include support with course selection and registration and with questions about overall program requirements and academic policies. To prepare students for using the student portal and learning platform, we will share relevant information as part of the program orientation and in the form of specific instructional and reference materials. The learning platform will be the main source of information for individual courses regarding course content, resources, and assessment, while the student portal will provide more general program-related information Should any students have health or wellbeing issues, they will be able to contact their Student Services Manager to discuss potential support and services related to accessibility and reasonable adjustments.

Career Services

Students and recent graduates of the program will be able to benefit from the guidance of experienced career services counselors and from events and activities designed to help them better understand relevant industries and sectors and possible opportunities for career advancement or professional development. The specific support offering will include career coaching, career workshops, industry-specific networking and informational events, links to relevant job posting boards, and other useful career resources. This is provided by our experienced and accomplished HR team led by HR Director Leslie Hedick. While the Vedere Institute team is there to support those seeking career advancement or new professional pathways, we cannot and do not guarantee employment for graduates of the program.

Personal Support

While the program is delivered entirely via distance learning, we have developed a list of resources with our HR Director to support any students needing guidance or support related to personal safety, health, or wellbeing issues. Students requiring such support or guidance can reach out to their Student Services Manager or other team members at any time in order to obtain this information.

Financial Assistance

Vedere Institute is not Title IV eligible. However, we offer scholarships to incoming students based on specific criteria for selection including academic achievement and financial need. Please see the Financial Aid section of this Catalog for further information.