Our Ownership and Governance

MirraU, LLC (Vedere Institute) is co-owned by:

  • Mirra-PrimeAccess (Access Health Care Physicians, LLC) (50%) 
  • D4 Educational Services LTD (50%) 

Mirra-PrimeAccess Officers and Directors are the following persons:

  • Dr. Pariksith Singh, MD – CEO, Chairman (owner) 
  • Dr. Maria Scunziano-Singh, MD – VP (owner) 
  • Dr. Manjusri Vennamaneni, MD – CMO (minority owner) 
  • Karen Hayes – CFO 
  • Goran Jankovic – Member at Large 

D4 Educational Services Officers and Directors 

  • Dr. Nawtej Dosanjh – CEO 

Vedere Institute Officers and Directors

  • Dr. Pariksith Singh – Chairman and Chief Education Officer 
  • Dr. Nawtej Dosanjh President – CEO and Vice Chairman