Financial Aid

Students with financial need will be able to consult with the Student Services Manager.

Vedere Institute offers scholarships to incoming students based on specific criteria for selection. All students are eligible to apply for these scholarships under the same circumstances, and Vedere Institute maintains all records relevant to its selection and awarding process. 

There are five main categories of scholarships, each with basic selection criteria as outlined below: 

  • Women in Business Scholarship: The Women in Business Scholarship is for female candidates who have work or internship experience or have led a team in a professional environment. For this scholarship, Vedere is seeking candidates who have either achieved demonstrable impact in their careers to date or can demonstrate their future potential from a more junior role. 
  • Leadership Scholarship: The Vedere Leadership scholarship is for candidates who have either demonstrated exceptional leadership in their existing role or can demonstrate their future leadership potential from a more junior role. They are the influencers in the company and help shape and execute the organizational objectives or they aspire to be the changemakers of the future.
  • Social Impact Scholarship: The Vedere Social Impact scholarship is for candidates who have made a positive contribution outside of their academic or professional activities. Whether through voluntary work, charitable endeavors, or extra-curricular activities, these candidates demonstrate how they have made a positive impact in local communities or pursuit of broader societal benefit. 
  • Entrepreneurship Scholarship: The Entrepreneurial Impact scholarship is for candidates who can demonstrate their flair for innovation and creativity in an entrepreneurial venture or who can articulate a strong vision for a future innovation that can impact the world. For this scholarship, Vedere is seeking candidates who think and act with an entrepreneurial mindset and have a strong sense of how to put an innovative and creative idea into action.
  • Needs-based Financial Scholarship: To be considered for a needs-based scholarship, students must demonstrate significant financial need. Applicants will need to complete the “Declaration of Finance” form and an essay as a means of evaluating the real economic necessity of the candidate. 

Scholarships will be awarded based on the above-stated criteria, and there shall be no restrictions on the basis of religion, political conviction, ethnic group, color, sex, or any other status. Interested applicants can apply for a scholarship via the online application system before the closing date of the intake cycle. To ensure that applicants can make informed decisions regarding their studies, successful applicants will be informed of their scholarship award at the same time they are informed of their enrollment application decision.