Formal Consideration of Requests


All requests are considered independently by the panel. The panel aims to make consistent and objective decisions on individual requests, in accordance with Vedere Institute’s policy requirements and established guidelines.

Formal Consideration

Each request is considered on its own merits and based on the information and evidence presented by the student in their submission. For the request to be approved, the panel must be entirely satisfied that:

  • The request has been submitted in time OR the request has been submitted within seven days of the assessment AND there are justifiable reasons for it being submitted retrospectively.
  • The circumstances meet the requirements of the relevant ground AND it is fair and reasonable to approve the request.
  • The request is accompanied by appropriate and compelling evidence OR there is an acceptable reason why evidence cannot be provided for consideration.


 The outcome will normally be one of the following:

  • The request is approved.
  • The request is rejected.
  • The request is referred pending further information to be provided.