Student Evaluations and Feedback

At Vedere Institute, we are committed to a process of continuous improvement in the degree program and to students’ learning experiences in general. As a result, students will be asked to provide feedback at the end of each course via an online student evaluation form. The form will be issued to students after they have completed a course and submitted all the required assignments, and we recommend this is completed as soon as possible and must be completed before the grades are released. As we consider student feedback critical to the rigor and quality of the degree, all students must complete this, and their grades for the course will be withheld until this is completed.

We will also regularly seek out feedback on the program as a whole so that we may continue to improve its delivery. We strongly encourage students to complete these when received. 

In addition, we also encourage students to meet with a member of the Program Team to provide feedback. This could also be if they wish to raise a matter of concern about any aspect of the program experience. We typically seek to resolve as many issues as possible swiftly and informally. However, we have also developed a policy and procedure for dealing with formal complaints from students, which is outlined in the academic regulations.