Program Delivery

Program Documentation

To facilitate delivery, each program will have:

  • A definitive student catalog that provides a comprehensive overview of the program and its components.
  • A set of clearly defined learning outcomes for the program at both the program level and course(s) level.

The documentation will be issued to students before enrollment and will be updated if any substantial changes are made during the program. The Institution aims to ensure that program documentation does not diverge from the Academic Regulations. In instances where the documentation does diverge or is silent on a specific matter, the Academic Regulations will take precedence and be applied.

Program Amendments

The Institution is entitled, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to make amendments to the admission requirements, the program, and individual courses.

Changes may include:

  • alterations to the method of delivery of the program (including the faculty delivering the program) and assessment;
  • reasonable variations/changes to the content and syllabus of the program, including discontinuing, merging, or combining courses, and introducing new courses; and/or
  • the courses being offered and operated in any given term or session, due to capacity and scheduling constraints.

Vedere Institute will endeavor to communicate any such changes as early as possible.


The admission requirements for individual programs are documented in the Academic Catalog. The requirements may be adjusted as necessary and deemed appropriate by the Institution.

Admits are required to sign and return the Enrollment Agreement to accept the offer of a place in the program. The agreement comes into force on the date of the offer letter.

As stated in the Enrollment Agreement, the Institution may terminate the registration and participation in the program (and thereby the terms and conditions agreement) of any student who secures admission to the Institution on the basis of qualifications, documents, or statements that are subsequently found to be false, not completely truthful, or misleading.

Admits become “students” on the day they formally register for the program. 

Normal Duration

Each program has an approved normal duration that is specified in the Program Regulations.

In limited circumstances, extensions to continue to study outside of the normal duration may be requested by the student or required by the Program Director.

Extensions up to a cumulative total of 12 months may be granted by the Program Director where appropriate and will be presented to the Assessment Board for information. Any extensions beyond a cumulative total of 12 months are only granted in exceptional circumstances and the decision is made by the Assessment Board at their absolute discretion.

Intellectual Property

You retain the intellectual property in all original work created solely by you in the course of your program, except for work specifically commissioned by us for the purposes of the Institution.

We, our faculty, or our respective licensors own all intellectual property in all program courses and teaching materials (in whatever medium they are available). This means that special rules and restrictions apply to copying, recording, sharing, or disseminating such materials. We grant you a license (i.e., permission) to use these materials during the program for your personal private study only. You must not use them for any other purpose. A breach of this clause will be treated as misconduct and the relevant disciplinary process applied.

As a student, you must respect the intellectual property rights in the work of others, including faculty. Where third-party material is shared, distributed, or copied to a third party, reproduced, or copied, appropriate permissions must be obtained first, and the Institution’s regulations and academic policies must be followed. A breach of this clause will be treated as misconduct and the relevant disciplinary process applied.

Wherever the work of others is used or relied upon, this must be properly acknowledged, and authorship correctly attributed in accordance with standard academic practice. Plagiarism is not acceptable in any form, may be subject to disciplinary action, and may result in the student failing a course and the program.

You, as an authorized user, are responsible for ensuring that your use of information resources made available by the Institution complies with any applicable license terms and conditions. Licenses allow you to make use of these resources personally and for educational purposes only. You must not:

  • share your login details with others, whether co-authors or other students;
  • pass on or share downloaded materials with unauthorized users in any format; or
  • use the resources for any commercial or business purpose, including internships and consulting activities. 

Acceptable Program Performance

Students are fully responsible for ensuring they always remain in good academic standing during the program, the details of which are included in this catalog.

Student Support

The Institution aims to provide a supportive teaching and learning environment that is accessible to all students. Disabled students or students experiencing health or wellbeing issues are encouraged to make direct contact with the Program Team to discuss potential support and services relating to accessibility and reasonable adjustments.

If reasonable adjustments are required, the Program Team in partnership with the student will agree to a Summary of Reasonable Adjustments and where appropriate, Reasonable Assessment Arrangements (e.g., individual exam adjustments). 

In instances where academic performance is likely to be compromised due to short-term health issues, students should apply for extenuating circumstances (see Extenuating Circumstances Policy).

In order to safeguard the assessment process and avoid creating an unfair advantage, the Institution expects that, where possible, students will disclose information regarding their wellbeing in advance of an assessment deadline or an examination commencing. In instances where a student is incapacitated and/or unable to participate, extenuating circumstances requests may be submitted up to seven days after the assessment. The panel will have the sole discretion for considering and determining if a retrospective adjustment should be made (refer to the Extenuating Circumstances Policy for more information).