Formal Consideration of Academic Appeals


Vedere Institute will appoint a nominated individual – normally a senior member of Vedere Institute staff or faculty – to act as a reviewer of the appeal. The reviewer will complete an initial assessment to check that the academic appeal has been submitted in time and the permissible grounds appear to have been met. They will determine if the appeal should proceed to formal consideration. 

The reviewer may seek information and/or documentation from the student, any connected persons or organizations named by the student in the academic appeal, and relevant individuals within the Vedere Institute community. In some cases, and with the student’s consent, this may include requesting full disclosure of medical conditions, disability, and a summary of reasonable adjustments.

Once completed, the reviewer will create a summary for formal consideration and seek to make a judgment.

For the academic appeal to be upheld, the reviewer must be entirely satisfied the permissible grounds have been fully met and that it would be fair and reasonable to uphold the appeal. This includes being satisfied the extenuating circumstances and/or material error have directly, adversely, and significantly affected the student’s assessment or final grade for a course, progression, or award of degree, and the appeal is supported by compelling evidence.

In terms of outcome reporting, the appeal will be either: upheld, partially upheld, or rejected. The communication will include details of the reasons for the decision and the next steps if applicable.