Master of Science in Digital Currency and Applied Blockchain Technology (MSDCABT)


Degree Master of Science
Format Online (distance learning)
Hybrid(Online and in person)
Duration: Online Format 1-year accelerated option
2-year standard option
Duration: Hybrid Format 15 months
Credits 36 credit hours
Courses 10 core courses (30 credits)
1 Research Methods (3 credits)
1 Capstone Project (3 credits)

Program Requirements

To successfully complete the MSDCABT program and be eligible for the award of degree, students must successfully complete the following requirements:

Course Name Credits Required to Pass
Fundamentals of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology (MTI-561) 3 Yes
Blockchain Platforms (MTI-562) 3 Yes
Implications of Blockchain Integration in Value Chains and the Global Economy (MEC-535) 3 Yes
Bitcoin and Politics (MSS-545) 3 Yes
Web3: Revolution or Regeneration? (MTI-563) 3 Yes
Cryptocurrency and Finance 1 (MBU-535) 3 Yes
Cryptocurrency and Finance 2 (MBU-536) 3 Yes
Bitcoin Mining and the Global Energy Transition (MTI-665) 3 Yes
Cryptocurrency and Cybersecurity (MTI-666) 3 Yes
Cryptocurrencies: Law, Intellectual Property, and Regulation (MLR-521) 3 Yes
Research Methods in Finance and Blockchain Technology (MAF-625) 3 Yes
Capstone Project (MAF-731) 3 Yes
Total 36