Student Complaints Procedure

Summary of Procedure

When filing a complaint, students are advised to follow two internal stages in sequential order, unless there are significant grounds for skipping a stage. These stages are as follows:

  • Stage One: The complaint should first be brought to the attention of the Dean of Graduate Programs for consideration.
  • Stage Two: If the complaint remains unresolved after Stage One, the student can request a review by the Student Complaints Committee. This committee will carefully consider the complaint and provide a final decision.

Stage One: Consideration by Dean of Graduate Programs


It is recommended that a complaint is raised promptly after the issue arises. Vedere University generally does not consider complaints filed more than one month after the initial problem occurred.

When submitting a complaint, it should be in writing and addressed to the Dean of Graduate Programs, and must include the following details:

  1. A comprehensive description of the events leading to the complaint, incorporating relevant dates, times, and any other pertinent particulars.
  2. Specifics of the ways in which the student has been negatively impacted as a result of the situation.
  3. Names of any witnesses who can support the complaint, if applicable.
  4. Copies (not originals) of any documentary evidence the student wishes to be considered.
  5. An account of the actions taken thus far to address the complaint.
  6. An explanation of why the student remains dissatisfied with previous attempts to resolve the complaint.

Additionally, an outline of the desired action or remedy sought by the student should be included.

Upon receiving a complaint, the Dean of Graduate Programs will carefully evaluate the situation and take one of the following actions:

  1. Dismiss the complaint if deemed unwarranted.
  2. Attempt to resolve the matter informally, if appropriate.
  3. Nominate either themselves or an appropriate staff member to conduct an investigation, if necessary.
  4. If the case is considered serious, refer it (or relevant parts) directly to the Student Complaints Committee during Stage Two.

The investigator assigned to the case will inform the student of the outcome of the informal investigation either orally or in writing.

If the student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the informal stage, they can choose to escalate the complaint formally under Stage Two.

Unless the complaint is deemed serious by the Dean of Graduate Programs, it will initially be addressed and resolved, if possible, at the local level in Stage One.


The appointed investigator may seek additional clarification from the student, as well as any other individuals involved, regarding the background circumstances of the complaint. The student is expected to provide prompt and comprehensive assistance if requested to provide further details.

Following the investigation, the investigator will compile a report and share copies with the student via email. The student will be given an opportunity to respond to the findings outlined in the report. The student should submit their response via email within 5 working days, providing a comprehensive objection to any issues they may have with the investigator’s findings.

Upon receiving the student’s response, or if no response is received by the deadline, the investigator will present the comprehensive investigation report, including any comments made by the student, to the Dean of Graduate Programs. 

Upon reviewing the report, the Dean of Graduate Programs may choose from the following actions:

  1. Dismiss the complaint if deemed unsubstantiated.
  2. Determine the appropriate resolution if one has not yet been achieved.
  3. Refer the case (or specific aspects) to the Student Complaints Committee at Stage Two if it is deemed serious.

Subsequent to determining the appropriate course of action, the Dean of Graduate Programs will correspond with the student to confirm the decision details, provide the rationale behind it, and outline the available options for the student to consider.

Stage Two: Consideration by Student Complaints Committee


Should the Dean of Graduate Programs deem it suitable, they may refer the case to the Student Complaints Committee. This action is typically reserved for cases that are regarded as exceptionally serious.

The fundamental role of the Student Complaints Committee is to assess the gravity of the case and decide on the most suitable course of action. The committee will consist of the President & CEO and two faculty members of Vedere University.

Unresolved Complaints 

If the dispute remains unresolved after evaluation by the Student Complaints Committee, the student should address his or her concerns by directing them to the Commission for Independent Education, Florida Department of Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414 | Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 | 850-245-3200 |